Jesus Man Mural
#jesusman #gcvb
This is THE beacon, the pillar and the anchor of Gullah History in downtown Charleston. The importance of the role that Bishop Robert Parks played in everything from homelessness to land ownership to the understanding and applying of the Holy teachings to daily lives in the Holy City, cannot be overstated. Now, with the blessing of the elders to his grandson, we support the restoration efforts of repainting this historic landmark and it’s outreach message to the world as it emanates from this majestic point.
+Raise $50,000 for restoration
+Involve the community in commissions of service in the renourishment process
+In cooperation with the Gibbes Museum, film this process and be edited for release according to Rev. Robert Parks grandson
+Memorialize Rev. Parks with a plaque and community give back code to educate about the influential life of Rev. Robert Parks, his family, outreach and legacy.
Special thanks to the Gibbes Museaum and the Parks family